
Be well

Iona supports the college community and its visitors, by providing a health and wellness centre staffed by registered nurses.


health  (07) 3893 8865

0499 989 156



The nurses

  • attend to emergencies and unexpected illnesses as they arise
  • provide short term care assisting students back to the class, transferring to home or referring onto other appropriate health services
  • support students managing health conditions like asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetes and other concerns
  • supervise and assist with the administration of medication at school
  • work in collaborative team with teaching staff, counsellors and others to ensure students’ Iona and youth experience is safe, healthy and holistic.


Health and Wellness Infection Control

Health and Wellness Infection Control Flow Chart



Student Accident Insurance

To assist parents with costs associated with any accidents, the College holds SchoolCare Insurance which provides protection to all students at school and during any activities organised or authorised by Iona College.

Consent to Administer Medication Form

CCI Insurance Claim Form

SchoolCare Information Sheet

SchoolCare FAQ

SchoolCare Claim Form

Useful Health Links

Childhood Diseases including school sores and head lice

Asthma First Aid – we adhere to The Asthma Foundation of Australia’s first aid plan. If your son’s action plan differs, please provide a copy of his plan to the college.

Action Plan for Anaphylaxis

Adolescent School Immunisation Schedule – The Brisbane City Council offers vaccinations on the College premises, however, records of these remain with the Council. The College cannot provide information on your son’s vaccination status.