- Academic News
- Tutoring
- Enrichment & Enhancement
- Years 11 and 12
- Years 9 and 10
- Years 7 and 8
- Years 5 and 6
- Inclusive Education
- Pathways
Perseverance and Support
Success is rarely easy.
To be successful in studies and life, we must be willing to take responsibility for this success.

Junior Senior Link Tutoring
The tutoring programs offered at Iona help our students navigate the hurdles, turn challenges into strengths and make valuable contributions to the community:
- Years 5 to 9 students can access support for mathematics and reading through participation in the Junior Senior Link Tutoring Program. Running three mornings per week, students can receive one on one tutoring from a senior student.
- Students can work on their homework in the Library after school hours until 4pm. This development of independent study skills and self-regulation is important for success in all years.
- The sense of community supports the creation of a positive and collaborative environment.