
Years 5 and 6

At Iona we understand boys:

They’re lively, curious and eager to learn.

Integrating technology with learning

In Years 5 and 6, we endeavour to foster a safe and stimulating learning environment that is exciting, engaging and meaningful. Underpinning our learning and teaching is a belief that students are individuals who develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.

Teachers seek to identify boys who require extension and challenge, and plan opportunities to broaden the learning experiences of these students. Equally, boys also have the opportunity to take advantage of the Senior-Junior Link Tutoring Program which provides peer support in mathematics and reading.

Efforts are made to allow all our primary students to demonstrate their unique talents by expanding on the core curriculum to include activities, opportunities and programs not available within the national curriculum. The program is characterised by hands on learning activities that inspire creativity, critical thinking and collaboration.

The use of laptops facilitates greater engagement in learning opportunities. The anywhere at any time nature of the personal devices fosters more learning moments and ensures we educate our boys to be safe and responsible digital citizens.

Parent Handbook – a handbook for parents and students to support your Iona journey.

Years 5 and 6 Information Night slides

Iona Primary Reflections