
St Eugene de Mazenod Library

A space to collaborate and learn

Iona’s St Eugene de Mazenod Library is a vibrant learning space that encourages all members of the college community to embrace lifelong learning and a love of reading.

The library provides teachers and students with curriculum-based print resources and an ever-growing bank of digital resources which may be accessed seamlessly both at school and at home.

Students from Years 5—12 have access to a wealth of resources which facilitate the units of work they are undertaking. They may also select from a wide-ranging fiction collection, which has been purpose-built to cater for differing ages and interests.

Teachers and teacher librarians take advantage of technical tools such as electronic whiteboards, data projectors and devices such as e-readers and touch screens to assist their teaching of curriculum-relevant information skills and ICTs to the boys.

Two seminar rooms, fully equipped with like technology, are available for small group study. Digital signage is available to reinforce important information processes, as well as to advertise and showcase the many and varied activities which take place around the college.

Service Hours

Monday to Thursday – 8:00am to 4:30pm.  On some Mondays, due to staff meetings, the library may close at 3:10pm. Notification is via the newsletter and Twitter.

Friday 8:00am to 3:15pm

Students are able to independently pursue projects both academic and recreational.


Text Hire

The Text Hire collection comes under the umbrella of Library services at Iona College.  It is administered by the Library staff.  Text hire is a text book loan service provided by Iona for all students from Years 7 – 12 inclusive.

Each year, students are loaned the textbooks they require for both their core and elective subjects.  Once issued, these books become the responsibility of the individual student.  Items issued to students include class novels for English or textbooks which are to be kept for the entire year.

Students are advised to check their emails regularly as they will be advised of return dates for the various loans they have from text hire. It is the responsibility of the individual student to return the items which were issued to them.  At the end of each semester, parents will also be notified of pending return dates by newsletter and in social media.

Failure to return all text hire books by the advised due date will result in the outstanding books being added to the following term’s school fees.  This process occurs at the end of each semester. Outstanding items will be reordered to enable adequate stock for the following academic semester.