
The House System

A proud tradition

An inclusive and enriching community of care for staff and boys who get to know one another well over the time they are at Iona.

The eight house groups at Iona each honour an Oblate Missionary. Where possible, sons of Old Boys of the college are allocated to the same house as their father. Siblings are also placed in the same house, as a general rule. There are six homeroom groups within each house and students remain in their homeroom group throughout their schooling.

Homeroom groups meet each morning and houses meet as a whole on a regular basis. Group community and social justice initiatives are commonplace and a program of weekly masses, sporting, cultural and academic activities are a significant part of the college wellbeing and co-curricular programs. This cross-age communication develops a trusting and open relationship with boys across various year levels and leadership opportunities are encouraged for the senior grade students through guidance and mentoring to the younger students.

The Head of House is responsible for the monitoring of each student’s academic, spiritual, emotional, physical and social wellbeing and through the assistance of teacher and student mentors, invaluable partnerships and close communication are fostered.

The house system at Iona has proved beneficial in providing a belonging and continuity not only for the student but for their parents. Parents are encouraged to strengthen the house system through regular liaison with their son’s Head of House in the interest of their child’s well-being and progress.